5 Ways to Save on Short-term Insurance

This time of year we all need some extra cash. But thinking of your short-term insurance as a nice to have and cancelling your policy can come at a price. Instead, use our 5 helpful tips to save money the smart way without leaving yourself exposed.
1. Review & Compare
Times change – your policy should too. If you’ve moved recently, bought a new car, or need to add or remove another driver, make sure it’s reflected in your policy. And if your provider comes in a little high, shop around. Ctrl gives you comparative quotes from SA’s most trusted insurance providers. Give us a try and go to our web version of the app.
2. Combine Car & Home Insurance
While niche companies may only specialise in one type of cover, most reputable insurance providers offer both car and home insurance. Combining your policies – even just putting all your vehicles on one – usually results in savings. Not only that, but dealing with a single provider will save you a lot of time.
3. Remove Car Hire
Removing car hire from your policy is one of the easiest ways to reduce your premium. Ask yourself these questions: Do we have more than one set of wheels at home, can I get a lift with a friend, or can I use Uber for a while? If you answered yes to any of those, consider removing car hire from your policy. It’s one of the easiest ways to reduce your premium without changing your policy too much.
4. Think “Safety First”
Vehicle theft is a reality in South Africa. You can lower your risk, and premium, by reducing your chance of becoming a statistic. How? Add security measures like a car alarm, immobiliser, and tracking device. Also apply this thinking in your everyday life. If you have a garage, lock your car inside. Gate? Always park behind it. And if you park on the street, choose a well-lit area that’s within view.
5. Lower Premium, Greater Excess
If you have an emergency fund, consider increasing your excess – or the amount you need to pay your insurer when you claim. This will lower your monthly premium but choose carefully. Greater excess does mean that you will have to pay for minor claims yourself and, when the time comes, cough up more than the compulsory amount to get your car fixed.
Ready to start saving? Use Ctrl to review and compare your existing policies or enquire about insurance for your car or home. Our app is convenient, transparent, and accessible. Just the way insurance should be. Get the app now or go to the web version right now.