Handy insurance tips for the holiday

Another year is just about done and dusted, and it’s time for South Africans to get ready for our well-deserved summer vacation. But before you head out, check out these handy insurance tips so you can spend your holiday with complete peace of mind. 🏖️
Home sweet home
If you are fortunate enough to go away for your December holiday, you will be leaving your home behind. And seeing that your home is also your most valuable asset, the first prize would be to get a house-sitter to look after your home and pets when you’re away.
If you don’t want to go that route, at least take precautions that will make it less obvious that you’re not at home. Get a neighbour to pop in from time to time. Don’t leave outside lights on or draw the curtains and do stop newspaper subscriptions if you have any. Activate your alarm (remember to give the code to the neighbour who needs to pop in) and inform the security company you’ll be away. With all the load shedding going on, it’s also a good idea to unplug major appliances. Except for freezers and fridges of course!
What about Airbnb?
If you’re renting out your home for short periods, make sure your property is covered. Generally speaking, if you generate income from it, your insurance company may view it as a business. In that case, you’ll have to get commercial insurance instead of regular home insurance. If you’re still unsure, read more about it in this industry publication.
Your ride
If you are going away to somewhere in South Africa, your car is probably the most important thing to think about before you hit the road. Here’s a short checklist:
1. Have your tyres checked
Beat the rush and have your tyres checked well before you plan to leave. You’re setting yourself up for unnecessary stress if you leave it till the last minute, plus there might not be stock available if you need to have them replaced.
2. Worthy of the road
This should go without saying, but your insurance won’t pay out if you have an incident and it turns out that your car wasn’t road-worthy. It is also illegal to drive an unroadworthy car. Read more if you are unsure if your car is roadworthy.
3. Valid and relevant car insurance options
The most important thing is to make sure your premiums are up to date and that you do indeed have car insurance in place. Ismail Canfield, an experienced car and home insurance advisor and Key Individual at Ctrl believes that it’s advisable to have a car hire option for this period.
“Firstly because repairs might take longer than usual over the holiday period, and secondly because you don’t want to be stuck in a place without transport if your car broke down in another town perhaps. Also, a good roadside assistance product is crucial when you’re taking a road trip.” These are often extra benefits that need to be added or specified. If you’re not sure if your policy includes these options, check in with your insurance advisor.
Stuff you take with
This category would include high-value items like smartwatches, smartphones, laptops, cameras and all sorts of equipment and tech. In insurance speak it’s called all risk and it needs to be specified. Your wedding ring, for example, needs to be accompanied by a valuation certificate when it’s insured to get an accurate idea of the replacement value. If something wasn’t specified, it can’t be claimed from insurance, according to Ctrl advisor, Tinette Van Staden, who deals with claims and queries on a regular basis.
For some more handy insurance tips for the holiday, read one of our previous blogs. Otherwise, all you have to do is make the most of your hard-earned break so you can return well-rested and ready to take on 2024 like a boss.